The 20th anniversary of the Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha series falls in 2024, and the team behind the anime shows will return to celebrate the milestone. The Nanoha Project team has formally launched the anniversary project, and it will gradually reveal new works to mark the anniversary.
The first work in this project will see the series’ first two movies recompiled into TV shows in October 2024. Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha The Movie 1st and The Movie 2nd A’s originally appeared on theaters in 2010 and 2012, respectively. Each of them featured a parallel retelling of the first two seasons of the original TV anime that aired in 2004 and 2005.
King Records is also accepting submissions for fanart related to the Lyrical Nanoha franchise until October 5, 2024. People can submit their fanart digitally via an online form or physically by sending a mail to King Records’ office in Tokyo, Japan. The company will feature the winning entries on the ending credits for the above compilations. It will also send a physical anniversary logo sticker to each person behind the fanart.
While the Lyrical Nanoha series has been mostly known for its anime and manga adaptations, Bandai Namco had released two games based on the franchise for the PlayStation Portable. The two titles in question were The Battle of the Aces in January 2010 and The Gears of Destiny in December 2011.
The new compilation of Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha The Movie 1st and The Movie 2nd A’s will appear on television in October 2024. It will also be the exact month the series’ 20th anniversary falls in, as the inaugural Lyrical Nanoha anime show aired first on October 1, 2004.